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"Let's see how you deal with the whispers of the wind."
Smoke Knight

Smoke Knight is the boss of UNLOAD's Region Unu.





In Battle

Smoke Knight can change between three stances.

Breeze Stance (S1)

In this form, competences aimed at her are instead reflected onto the assailant. However, she can be damaged with normal attacks. Smoke Knight will always start the battle in this stance.

Tornado Stance (S2)

In this form, attacks made on Smoke Knight have a chance of being thrown back at the assailant with a heavy multiplier. She's also able to use the most offensive competences in this form. Watch your HP!

Clouding Stance (S3)

In this form, Smoke Knight is the most open to attack. Try to do most of your damage while she's in this stage.

Name Stance Description
SmoA Devotee Work Breeze Special attack of low impact. May inflict Daft Daft.
SmoB Mistral Vane Breeze Special attack of mediocre impact. Hits twice.
SmoB Whispery Smog Breeze Special attack of mediocre impact.
SmoB Directional Draft Any Special attack of mediocre impact.
SmoA Denoting Whirl Tornado Special attack of varying impact. May inflict Target Targeted.
SmoB Multitapping Delay Tornado Special attack of low impact. Hits twice. May inflict Smoked Smoked.
SmoB Blade Dance Tornado Special attack of mediocre impact. Hits all party members.
SmoB Misty Disapproval Tornado Special attack of mediocre impact.
Counter Counter-Dual Attack Tornado Throws back up to six times the damage taken within that turn.
HealA Potentiation Any Restores a little bit of HP.
Heavensplitter Cloud Special attack of important impact.
SmoA Shut Your Future Cloud Mute Mutes one enemy.


81 and Co.

Smoke Knight does not see them as a threat at any point prior to her defeat, saying that they "attach to her like a leech does to a dignified animal."

Plastic Knight

Siblings-in-crime. She integrates Plastic into her floating fortress as a tribute to her brother.

Metal Knight

The two are in a requited relationship, though Smoke Knight does not keep statues of Metal in her realm the same way Metal does in his.


  • Her suit motif is Spades.
  • Though not apparent through her art, evidently she uses a sword to fight, sometimes.